Blushing Paddock


Title - Blushing Paddock

Original artwork by Karen Cavania. 

Acrylic paint on stretched canvas

Framed - 92 x 92 cm approx measurement

Available to view and purchase from Melbourne Gallery - Gio Wall Art

About This artwork -

The contrast in season when the first rain comes to my country town is amazing. It’s like everything is new and before my eyes the countryside changes. Its the time when the sky and the land and are in full Blushing mode. The sky absolutely captivates me as the colours change with the setting sun almost instantly and if you look away for a moment the canvas is new again. So to the bush, if you look away for what feels like only an instant there are new shoots and new flowers that weren’t there even a moment ago. This painting started with no plan but the flowers and new shoots of life just found their way to the surface, just like they do in the bush.

Also available as a print through Gio Wall Art