Title - A Big Country Under A Big Sky
Original artwork by Karen Cavania.
Acrylic paint on stretched canvas
Framed - 90 x 90 cm approx measurement
Available to view and purchase from Melbourne Gallery - Gio Wall Art
About This artwork -
Nothing quite prepares you for how big the sky in Australia is. It has a majesty about it and when there is a scattering of clouds it is a magic hard to capture. In fact the sky is so big it can sometimes make the very flat land in the bush almost disappear. You have to keep adjusting your focus to take it all in but if you just pause and let your vision drift it is amazing how many tiny details are in front of you. In the beginning this painting was all about the sky and the clouds and then as it came together the land started to find its own essence, almost as if I had let my focus shift downwards from the big sky onto the big country below.
Also available as a print through Gio Wall Art