Title - The Season
Original artwork by Karen Cavania.
Acrylic paint on stretched canvas
Framed - 90 x 90 cm approx measurement
Available to view and purchase from Melbourne Gallery - Gio Wall Art
About This artwork -
Growing up in the UK Spring was always full of colour after the dark of winter. Now living in the North of Western Australia everything is in reverse. The Autumn rain turns the brown dry countryside into a wash of colour. Clouds bring hope and the bush comes alive. Birds are at their loudest and everyone in town seems to have a smile on their face saying “wasn’t that rain lovely last night” This canvas has so many layers and each new layer seemed to capture the wildness of the season. When plants are competing to grow as quick as they can and take in as much moisture as possible and the sky has every colour imaginable on its palette.
Also available as a print through Gio Wall Art